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The Trainer

Over 13 years working in drug and alcohol Field With lived Experience of addiction and mental health disorders. Post graduate certificate in Education - Biology 
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Substance Awareness                                                                                                                                                          
Using an up-to-date Drug Box of replica substances, we discuss the identification, risks, and effects of different drugs.

We also discuss drug trends over time and by region to identify and place additional focus on those substances most likely to be impacting the lives of people in this area.

Answering frequent questions regarding

  • The rise of counterfeit ‘prescription drugs.

  • Cocaine and Crack cocaine, similarities, and differences.

  • Opiates- Heroin, painkillers, and synthetic opiates.

  • Cannabis and Spice.

  • Alcohol- dependency and withdrawal.


Blood Borne Viruses

Reducing transmission, infection control, related health conditions.

Hepatitis B,

Hepatitis C,



Information and myth busting

We discuss the distinct types of Hepatitis, how each can be transmitted and the preventions that can be taken. Which are related and which are not, which can be immunised against, and which have a cure. Mirco-elimination, elimination and test and treat, treatments available. HIV impacts of virus, misconceptions, and treatments. Syphilis risks, testing and treatment.





Understanding Addiction 

Answering questions such as What is dependency really? Addiction or dependency, physical v psychological How does addiction affect the brain? How do different substances affect the brain? Why people in addiction lack motivation? Looking at homeostasis and synaptic transmission-sounds more complicated than it is.




Theories of addiction

Isolation, trauma, ACE, risk factors. What is recovery? What evidence is out there? What works here and around the world?




Organizations we have delivered training to include

The Moses Project

Rivers of Life Church

New Walk CIC

Turnaround Homes

Riverside Care and Support


Starfish Health and Wellbeing CIC

The Employability Hub


Type of feedback received.

"Feedback from the staff was they found the training really informative as some staff are new to our organization and have not much knowledge around it".

"We all thought the training was brilliant, and give the team a better understanding about addition, the training will also help the team to see people with addition in a more companionate way".

"People said the info around the brain was really useful and helped us to understand why people with an addition behave the way they do".

"It has been so enlightening for all our Staff and Volunteers and has certainly made us feel empowered to help and encourage our service users".

"We have gained further knowledge in Addiction and look forward to further sessions. We cannot thank you enough and would highly recommend your services".

"I have done lots of training in this area but learnt new things today".

|"One of the team that had worked in drug and alcohol team said they learnt more in the days training than they did in 2 years of working in the role they had".

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